せっかくなんでT-01AにカスタムROM焼いてみました。 *****下準備***** -1- SDカードをFAT32でフォーマット。 -2- 以下をダウンロード。 ...
WP7焼いた端末だとマーケットでLiveIDで認証不可で蹴られませんか? IS12Tでクリアしてるかたのブログ発見。 素晴らしいです。 紅雲眩空 * IS12T(WindowsPhone7.5)で『ライセンス認証に失敗しました』になる件【解決編】 http://p...
TG Downloaderの使い方が何となく分かってきたのでまとめ。 1. TG Downloaderをインストール。(ググればすぐ出てくる) 2.ドライバのインストール場所を覚えておく(重要!) *デフォならC:\Program Files\Toshiba\TG0...
[ROM]25-01-2012 | IceColdSandwich 4.0.3 - 1.1.beta1 | AOSP + CM + COMMUNITY
[ROM]25-01-2012 | IceColdSandwich 4.0.3 - 1.1.beta1 | AOSP + CM + COMMUNITY
Finally decided to make my own thread because zFr3eak is killing me with his PMs about closing his ICS thread
I would like that the ICS discussion is transfered here from his thread. that thread is overcrowded, and zFr3eak wants to close it
I'll also add links to twistedumbrella's and existz's builds here, just need someone to give me the links
All credits goes to dh.harald, twistedumbrella, existz, CM crew, Evervolv and all other that have contributed... and me of course This is not MY product, it's a combination of team work and sharing!!!
We are all here to learn, take from community and give back to community!!!
I know there will be a lot of reports about bugs, well... we are all here to kill as many bugs as possible, just don't expect that all will be fixed in a short time
FAQ is HERE read it before posting.
Newest build:
IceColdSandwich - 1.1.build1 - 25-01-2012
removed those settings menues and added back performance menu from beta 1
added EVToolbox - you MUST open it up
Lockscreen supprise - use EVToolbox
removed CMSettings
removed CM powerdidgets - use EVToolbox
new icons for EVToolbox widgets by the_maker
tap on setting icon in status bar to change views, long press for settings
used new compiler Linaro 4.6.3 compiler with graphite optimizations - thanks to existz for making this happen
updated Trebuchet with transition effects
optimized build.prop
removed ES Explorer, added back FileExplorer (ES wasn't playing well)
removed bootanim to speedup boot (you can copy it from old version before flash /system/media/)
a lot more tweaking from under the hood - A LOT MORE than you think
fully working CMsettings will be added hopefully in next release
BT still nothing, now will play with it
if default wallpapers don't work - will be fixed in some of the next releases (compiler isse)
battery mods from post 2 doesn't work because of modified SystemUI.apk, we wait on homeslice to resize, repack and reupload new links
Inspire users, flash this audio fix until I get my ROM multi device compatible
2D accel: Y
3D accel: Y
Wlan: Y
Bluetooth: Y
Rotation : Y
SD Mount: Y
Signal bar icon fixed: Y
Soft buttons: Y
Leds: Y
Headset: Y
Wlan tether: Y
Full video playback: Y - HD videos still not working nicely
Camera: Y - thanks to zbwu86
USB tether: N
Build is always merged with latest CM gerrit
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